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Research 101
2.1 Collect Keywords and Phrases
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Research 101
The Research Cycle
1. Brainstorm a Topic
1.1 Creating a Search Strategy
2. Gather Background Information
2.1 Collect Keywords and Phrases
Planning Your Research
Developing Keywords
3. Narrow Your Focus
3.1 Develop a Research Question
3.2 Develop a Thesis Statement
4. Locate and Evaluate Information
4.1 Evaluating Your Sources
5. Organize and Write Your Paper
Cite Your Sources
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Write a Literature Review
Tools for Creating a Research Strategy
Build a Word Bank for Search Terms
Use this worksheet to build up a list of concepts, synonyms and related terms for your topic that you can use when you are searching for information.
Research Planner
Use this worksheet to help you identify what you know, want to know, and where you might go to find information.
Planning Your Research
Developing Keywords
2. Gather Background Information
3. Narrow Your Focus >>