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Research 101
3.1 Develop a Research Question
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Research 101
The Research Cycle
1. Brainstorm a Topic
1.1 Creating a Search Strategy
2. Gather Background Information
2.1 Collect Keywords and Phrases
3. Narrow Your Focus
3.1 Develop a Research Question
How to Develop a Strong Research Question
Tools for Creating a Research Question
3.2 Develop a Thesis Statement
4. Locate and Evaluate Information
4.1 Evaluating Your Sources
5. Organize and Write Your Paper
Cite Your Sources
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Write a Literature Review
How to Develop a Strong Research Question
Examples of Research Questions
This chart from Scribbr provides a useful chart with explanations comparing less effective research questions with strong research questions.
Tools for Creating a Research Question
Create a Focused Research Question
A graphic organizer that leads you through the steps from identifying a general topic that you find interesting to the creation of a focused research question.
Create a Focused Research Question Linear Version
A linear version of the graphic organizer that takes you from general topic to a focused research question.
3. Narrow Your Focus
3.2 Develop a Thesis Statement >>