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Search the Gann Academy Catalog

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Finding Data

  • Pew Research Center provides social science data about many topics related to both United States and global issues. 
  • WolframAlpha is a computational knowledge engine; it returns data related to a search term, rather than links to web sites.

A-Z Databases

New Books

eBooks & Digital Audio Books

The websites listed below offer public domain ebooks that are freely available for you to download and keep:

Copyright Guidelines

Local Public Libraries

Massachusetts Libraries

All Massachusetts residents have access to databases, digital collections, and books and ebooks through local public libraries.

Belmont Public Library

Boston Public Library Residents of Massachusetts can register for an e-card through this registration form to gain access to databases for research. 

Brookline Public Library

Cambridge Public Library

Newton Free Library

Waltham Public Library

Word of the Day

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Tips & Tricks for Searching Online

Google Web Search

Not all Search Engines Are Equal

An article comparing two popular search engines - Google and DuckDuckGo - with pros and cons including different levels of privacy, speed, and accuracy.

How to Search on Google

Many articles from Google on how to do effective searches, including a form for doing Advanced Searches.

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